Ready to become analytics ready ?


Our vision with data intelligence is to transform critical decisions to move
from instinct driven to data driven

To realize this vision, we enable enterprises to become analytics-ready and data mature

Data Intelligence Offerings

Data Engineering

Leverage next-gen data transformation techniques to build resilient and reliable data pipelines that integrate with multiple data sources

Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing service enable organizations to effectively aggregate, integrate, and validate data and uncover relevant insights in real time

Data Modelling

Uncover busniess insights by mapping critical business KPIs to real data points available from the available data

Data Migration

Enabling customers to move from legacy to advanced systems while maintaining data sanity and guidelines; ensuring migration with low failure rate

Use Cases

Data Pipeline Design

  • Leveraging data engineering tools like Azure Data Factory to build Scalable data pipelines
  • Integrate multiple disparate data sources (handling structured and unstructured data)
  • Integrating data ingestion platforms with the data warehouse
  • Handling large data sets while optimizing execution resources


Build Scalable Data Warehouses

  • Enabling standardization across enterprise data with effective database design strategies
  • Building single source of truth across the organization to enhance reporting readiness
  • Maintaining optimized data replicas and views for multiple concurrent querying Sessions

Extracting Insights from Data

  • Identifying mission critical data points that aid in decision making

Legacy to Next Generation

  • Creating and executing migration from legacy data systems
  • Identifying the right tool to optimize for costs and future scalability
  • Designing data migration strategy for mission critical data with in-built fail-safes and backups


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