Datanauts Line Chart

An Advanced Comparison Line Chart Visual

An advanced line chart visual built for Datanauts. The line chart has power comparison capabilities to thoroughly compare absolute and relative values between lines as well as dates. The visual has the following features:
  • Comparison Area – The user can drag and plot a date range for all line values
  • Comparison Card– A card gets rendered based on the selected range that gives a detailed view of the values for the Start & End Dates, as well as the difference between the dates for every line
  • Comparison Stick – A stick that can be dragged on any date to give a detailed view of  the line values, as well as an option to render YOY, MOM, YTD and MTD values
  • Cross-Filtering – The visual supports selection and highlighting
  • Tooltips – The visual supports N Number of Tooltips, as well as Report Tooltips
  • Flexible – Plenty of formatting options to control the color and dimensions of every element, along with text customization
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