Power BI Custom Visual

Reasons to use Microsoft Power BI

7 Reasons to Use Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool that helps you visualize, analyze, and share your data in a way that is both meaningful and actionable. There are many reasons why you should consider using Power BI, including its data visualization capabilities, data integration features, customizable dashboards, real-time data analysis capabilities, collaboration tools, mobile

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Custom visualisation trends over the years

Top 7 Custom visualisation trends over the years

Over the years, data visualization has become an integral part of data analysis and reporting. As data sets grow increasingly complex, custom visualizations have evolved to provide a better understanding of data. From interactive visualizations to virtual reality visualizations, new trends continue to emerge in the world of custom visualizations. In this article, we will

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Business Benefits of Using Power BI

Power BI is a fantastic tool for businesses wishing to begin, plan, and/or expand their business intelligence activities.  The well-known Microsoft product’s rise to prominence as one of the most widely used data analytics platforms worldwide is not surprising. You’ve probably heard of Microsoft Power BI if you’re looking for self-service business intelligence or reporting

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Downloading and Importing Custom Visuals from Microsoft AppSource

Many pre-built visualisations for Power BI are accessible in the visualisation pane of both Power BI Desktop and Power BI service. The Microsoft AppSource offers a huge number of additional licenced Power BI graphics. The AppSource validation team has approved these images, which were produced by Microsoft and its partners. These images can be downloaded

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Top 10 New Features that you can add to your Power BI Custom Visual 

As of August 2022, Power BI has added many new features, some of which have been anticipated for a long time. These features have also immensely helped visual developers come one step closer to having the potential to build a visual quite close to an out-of-the-box visual.   We have listed down the Top 10 features

Top 10 New Features that you can add to your Power BI Custom Visual  Read More »

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