Warning and Error Messages are crucial to notify a user about a potential error that may occur inside a visual. Warning messages are absolutely useful to make the visual as intuitive as possible. There are many examples where a warning or error message may be needed.
Consider the following use cases:
- When a text field is used in a numeric placeholder
- When negative values are being used when the visual only supports positive values
- When an incorrect calculation has occurred because of null value
There are 2 possible ways to show error messages. One using Power Bi’s default warning message, and the other uses HTML elements (For example Bootstrap). Let us consider the following use case where a warning message needs to be shown when a non-numeric field is added in a numeric field well
- Power BI Warning Icon
To add a display warning, we just need to invoke the displayWarningIcon method residing inside host.
The result should look something like this.const measureField = options.dataViews[0].categorical.values[0]; const isNumeric = measureField.source.type.numeric; const fieldName = measureField.source.displayName; if (!isNumeric) { this.host.displayWarningIcon( "Numeric field required.", `The ${fieldName} field is a non-numeric field. Please ensure that the Measure Data field is numeric.` ); }
We can use any custom logic with either vanilla HTML or any framework. I will use Bootstrap in this example. Following are the steps needed to show an alert using Bootstrap-
- Install Bootstrap with NPM
npm i bootstrap
- Add the following CSS in the beginning of visual.less
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"; .alert { position: absolute; bottom: 0px; width: 90%; margin-left: 5%; text-align: center; animation: fade 3s linear; opacity: 0; z-index: 5; } @keyframes fade { 0%, 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; } }
- Add the following code in the update method. Please note that there are different types of Alerts that you can check out over here.
The result should look something like this.const measureField = options.dataViews[0].categorical.values[0]; const isNumeric = measureField.source.type.numeric; if (!isNumeric) { select("#sandbox-host") .append("div") .classed("alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show", true) .attr("role", "alert") .text(`Please ensure that the Measure Data field is numeric.`); }
- Install Bootstrap with NPM
Using warning and error messages in the correct scenario can definitely help a improve the UX of your custom visual!